Google Rewarding Mobile Friendly Sites

Mobile traffic is vitally important. Around 60% of Google searches come from mobile devices (that includes searches people make in a home that also has a desktop or laptop computer).

In just a few weeks on April 21st Google’s new search engine algorithm will start rewarding sites that are mobile friendly with better rankings…and sites that aren’t mobile friendly will suffer.

This is a great opportunity to pick up new clients or to charge for add on services for existing clients getting their sites mobile friendly.

Here are some simple things you can do for your clients
to get them mobile friendly:

If they’re using a WordPress theme that isn’t optimized for mobile then update it or switch to one that is.

With many WordPress themes just updating to the latest version may be enough to get the site mobile friendly.

The best mobile friendly choice is a “mobile responsive” site or theme. This is where your site resizes to fit within the parameters of the mobile device being used.

Use Google’s mobile friendly test to see if the sites you’re working on meet Google’s mobile friendly criteria…

Doing this is vitally important. It’s not enough for a site to be mobile friendly. You want Google to see your site as mobile friendly based on the criteria they use.

Towns With No Search Engine Traffic

What should you do if you’re in a small town that doesn’t seem to generate any search engine traffic (based on keyword searches you do)?

First you should know that getting traffic to a website is just one of a whole pile of strategies you can use for a brick and mortar business and NOT the most important

For most businesses building relationships with their customers and prospects and following up with them is going to bring them the biggest return.

One obvious way to do that is with email marketing.

Think of how many people walk into a brick and mortar business in a month and what it would be worth to that business to capture their contact details and follow up with them automatically.

Here’s a video that explains the concept in a little detail…

The product From Offline Store Front To Online Gold sets out an out of the box email marketing strategy in detail.

Also most businesses are not using a whole range
of marketing strategies you could introduce to them…

Generally speaking the fast profits in a business are in improving their sales process and follow up…not in trying to bring in new business.

After that there’s usually good profits in creating referral systems (that can be done in a whole pile of innovative ways even with businesses that don’t ever usually ask for referrals).

If you’re having trouble understanding how you can help businesses without SEO then you should go study some marketing fundamentals.

Anything by Jay Abraham is great. You could also read my ebook Online Gold For The Offline Business.

When you grasp some simple marketing fundamentals you’ll be amazed at the opportunities and possibilities you see everywhere for helping businesses make more sales and profits.

Most businesses are not even scratching the surface of what they can do to:
# Turn more prospects into customers
# Get customers buying from them over and over
# Getting customers to buy MORE from them and
# Getting customers to send them high quality referrals.

Many of these things you can do or enhance using the internet with some quite simple skills and strategies.

And because you’ll be making the businesses you work with real profits often quite quickly it can be very lucrative for you AND your clients.


Finally don’t trust keyword search results. I have plenty of clients making some serious money with traffic from long tail search terms that don’t show up in any keyword tool and probably never will.

Some keyword phrases might only be searched for half a dozen times in a month but someone searching for that keyword phrase might be a highly qualified prospect worth thousands or tens of thousands of dollars to the right business in the right area.

Those types of keyword phrases are like gold.

They take no real work to rank high in the search engines (one page of targeted, quality content will usually do it) and they can keep bringing in high quality customers to a business for months and years to come.

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh

Ranking High In Search Engines

Here’s a great question:

“Is it still possible for a brand-new blog (literally days old) to rise rapidly in the search engine results by the sole use of non-paid traffic methods such as: Blog commenting, Social media, Forum signatures, Web2.0 properties etc. etc.”

Many people are confused about ranking high in search engines like Google.

You hear about the “latest Panda update”, Google “slaps” and if you go onto an internet marketing forum you’ll see posts with people complaining about how their site, which was ranking so well…has now disappeared from the search results.

I’ll let you in on a secret.

The foundations of Search Engine Optimization have changed very little in the last 5 or 6 years.

What you need to do it think like the search engines do and you’ll quickly discover how to avoid most of the problems people have.

What do search engines like Google want?

They want a good experience for their users. They want people who search for something to quickly find exactly what they’re looking for.

And most search engine algorithms are designed to serve that purpose.

So how do you take advantage of this?

Give the search engines what they want by giving searchers what they want.


The fastest way I know to rank high in the search engines with a website is to have a page of high quality unique content targeting a long tail keyword phrase that has little or no competition.

A page like that can bring in a tiny trickle of targeted traffic for years to come with little or no backlinks.

Expanding this out if you have dozens of pages of high quality unique content on a website…each page targeting one long tail keyword phrase that has little or no competition…then you can build some substantial traffic this way.

And over time as you build more and more pages like this search engines like Google start seeing your site as a quality resource and it gets easier to rank for more competitive search terms…again with high quality, highly targeted content.

Any quality site linking back to pages on your site should also help your rankings so your activities on other blogs, social networks and forums with links back to pages on your site will also help.

Does this work?

I have pages that have ranked at or very close to the top of google for search terms for over 5 years…with no effort or input on my part.

SEO guru Tinu Abayomi Paul has thousands of pages ranking on the first page of google with content she also wrote years ago.

Search engines like quality content.