If You Follow My Advice
To The Letter...

You'll Make $500
Or MORE In The Next 30 Days
100% Guaranteed...

Here's How You Can Get The
Personal Ongoing Guidance You Need

To FORCE You To Make Real Money This Month
This Week...Even As Soon As Today

Copywriting Co Driver
What is the powerful rally car driving secret
to multiplying the paying clients who hire you?
Find out below...

Copywriting consultationally car drivers are nuts!  Let me give you an example.  Just for fun they perform a maneuver called "yumping".

    They drive at insane speed up to the crest of a hill then, just as the car is LEAVING THE GROUND, they'll flick the steering wheel...

    That way the car will fly through the air at an angle so it comes down on one front wheel instead of two.  Apparently this reduces the shock to the suspension and the axles of the car.

    Rally drivers have a few other choice techniques too...hand brake turns, left foot braking and "Scandinavian flicks"...turning with your feet on the brake  AND the throttle while your car is sliding in the opposite direction to your turn.

    Every method is designed to keep the car moving at maximum speed while these gas jockeys fly past fences, spectators, trees, deer and any number of other deadly hazards.

    What can I say?  They're madmen!

Copywriter as your codriver
But crazy as they might be no rally car driver
would dream of entering a race
without a co-driver.
Why not...?

    Even the dumbest rally driver on earth knows he needs guidance.

    The co-driver is responsible for navigating the course and pointing out "minor" obstacles like "THAT BLOODY GREAT ROCK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD!"

    And all those maneuvers drivers practice for years are just a whole bunch of fancy and quite useless techniques if you're headed in completely the wrong direction...

Without that co-driver keeping you on track
you're just going NOWHERE

    Getting brick and mortar business clients is exactly the same.

    You can be a master at a full range of different online business marketing strategies.

    You can even have paying clients right now.

    But if you're missing just one key point in your client acquisition strategy you'll be going nowhere fast.

    You'll either crash and burn or make just a tiny portion of the genuine fortune you could be making.

    The real question is what's holding you back?

    Why is it you can work a job to make a steady income for year after year yet you can't do the same for yourself in your own online business?

    Let me give you a secret most online marketers will never share with you...

Knowledge Is Overrated...
You Need to Consistently Put Your
Knowledge Into Action

    When you work a job you have a boss telling you what to do and holding you accountable.

    Put simply you need someone who knows what you need to do to make money, tells you when you're getting off track or wasting your time and won't put up with your bullshit excuses.

    When I put together the report on getting paying clients I knew the biggest problem would be people reading the report then doing nothing with it.

    So I decided before even writing the report that I would create a way to ensure people like you...who are finally dead serious about making serious money...would finally break through those hidden barriers.

    You've gone long enough without making a good living online.

    Think about it...

When you take on
a new job you get paid

    But when you take on a new job you also have to do certain tasks every day. You work whether you want to or not.  And you keep doing it.

    If you do the right kind of work in your new business you can expect to get paid too.

    But if you haven't done it before you won't this time either...unless you change something.

    So here's what I'm going to do.

    Every day you can send me one email.  You can ask me any questions you want, tell me exactly what results you're getting.

    Tell me about what's working and what doesn't seem to be working.

    Tell me what your income goals are and how much you're making from your business.

    Then I will give you options, ideas and suggestions on what you can do next.

    Then you'll go out and do it.  And God help you if you don't because not only will you lose your guarantee (I'll explain that shortly) I'll also be on you like a ton of bricks.

    Your boss doesn't pay you if you stop turning up for work...

It's time you stopped expecting to get paid without
turning up for work in your own business

    The only way you'll get out of that stinking job is if you create the same pressure on yourself that you get from a boss.

    The good news is it won't take long before you're in the habit of working in a profitable effective way and your email coaching with me will change into discussing strategies to increase the profits you make with your own business.

How much is it worth to you to finally
break free from your rotten
stinking job?

    How much is it worth to you to wake up knowing you have your own business and you can choose what you do from day to day...to know your finally have some financial security in your life.

    Even if you wanted to make an extra $500 a month you'd have to invest $60,000 at a 10% annual interest rate (if you could get a rate that high).

    I currently charge $500 for a one hour consultation.  You'll have access to me every day by email.

    And I'll take the time to answer your emails properly.

    Even if it took me just 15 minutes to answer one email and I answered 20 emails for you in one month that would be over 5 hours of consulting time (probably a lot more).

    That's at least $2,500 in real value and probably a whole lot more because I'll beat on you to make absolutely certain you get results.

    But regardless of how much I help you or other marketers make I won't be charging you $5,000 or even $2,500.

    If you're act fast I'll give you one full month of email coaching for just $99. And you'll be able to lock in that price for 6 months to come (or you can cancel at any time).

    Best of all if you're willing to really put in the effort I'll give you this income guarantee.

    If you follow every one of my suggestions to the letter for the first 30 days of my email coaching I will guarantee you make at least $500 or I'll refund your $99.

    So you can't lose.  It's like investing $99 and knowing you'll get $500 back after 30 days.

But this guaranteed email coaching program
is strictly limited

    I only have so many hours in a day and I want to be 100% certain you get real value so I'm only accepting the first 15 people who qualify

    This is a very real opportunity to completely change your financial future.  I'd hate to see you miss out.

    Click on the paypal button right now to claim your 30 days of email coaching...

Yours sincerely,
Andrew Cavanagh copywriting consultation
Andrew Cavanagh
CEO offlinegold.com, Co-founder offlinebiz.com

P.S. Let me be dead honest with you.

    If you aren't making at least $1,000 a week right now from your online ventures and you're still working a job then you will almost certainly be working a job ten or twenty years from now unless you do something radically different...

    This email coaching is the fastest way I know of to smash you out of your current patterns and start a whole new life where you make your own money and your own choices instead of answering to a boss.

    It's a shame for you to struggle when you can be making a good living so easily.

    Click on the Paypal button below right now and start your own personal  income revolution...