Break Your Belief Barrier...

Discover The Biggest Key
To Getting Hired By Brick And Mortar
Businesses At $2,500, $5,000,
$10,000 Or MORE...

FREE Breaking The Belief Barrier Report

On this page I reveal why the skills you have right now could be worth $2,500 to $10,000 or more to regular brick and mortar businesses.

And how to break the mind blocks that might be stopping you from charging those premium fees TODAY.

Can you imagine getting hired for just one project and making enough money to pay all your bills and expenses for the next 3 months?

Read on to discover how to make that dream a reality...

Make money with autoresponders signature

w drop charge $5,000 plus offline gold reporthy should you struggle working for peanuts when businesses will happily pay you more for one project than you make in a month?

There are businesses in your city, your state, all over the country who desperately need the kind of skills you have right now.

And they'll pay you fees way beyond what you believe you can charge now if you're just willing to help them get what they want.. The truth is...

The Skills
You Have Now Are
Worth More Than You Think

You can help a brick and mortar business with a whole range of different skills.

If you can apply the skills you have in a way that helps a business make more sales or profits (or even saves the business money) then you can charge the business for delivering that service.

We have over 11,000 members at of them selling their services to brick and mortar businesses.

I know of multiple people who make an excellent living selling each of these skills to regular businesses...

Web design
Ebay services
Amazon FBA services
Listing on google maps
Social media marketing (Facebook, Linkedin etc)
Marketing with online video
Mobile marketing
Pay per click
All types of offline marketing
All types of internet marketing

And there are many more I haven't listed.

The real key is thinking through how you can use your skill to help businesses. If you can increase sales and profits you can become an in demand rainmaker and that's worth some real money.

fill a shop with customers
If you can bring them customers, businesses will pay
you. Read on to discover how much...

A VERY common question we get from members at is...

"How Much Can I Charge?"

But the real question you need to ask yourself is how much do you think your service is really worth to a brick and mortar business?

To understand that you need to understand the concept of value.

A business hiring you is a "value proposition" for them. Put simply they're hoping you'll make them more in profits than they'll pay you in fees...they're hoping you'll deliver value.

IRS average business turnover
The IRS has been shaking down small businesses for decades
and they keep meticulous records...

According to IRS figures In the USA the average annual small business turnover is around $1,500,000 and the average profit from that turnover is $100,000.

That's a good starting point.

Even at half that for a small business with annual sales of $750,000 and profits of $50,000 you can be of enormous value to them.

If you help increase the sales of a business by a modest 10% that is likely to increase their bottom line profits by a whole lot more because most of their overheads like renting their business premises, staff and electricity are fixed.

Those costs don't really increase with a modest increase in sales.

So by increasing the sales of a business by 10% that might be a $75,000 to $150,000 increase in sales...

But a $25,000 to $100,000
increase in profits!

That small increase in sales can DOUBLE the profits the business makes in a year.

Are you starting to see why your service can be so incredibly valuable?

And you don't have to stop there with this mind expansion exercise. Think about how much you might charge a business for your service.

Then start thinking bigger. You want to...

Do A Whole Lot More
And Charge A Whole Lot More...

Here's an exercise to expand your mind and get you thinking of the possibilities and what your services might really be worth to a business..

Whatever figure you have in your mind now or whatever you're charging right now I want you to multiply it by ten.

charge 10 times your current fees

Yes you heard me right multiply by 10...add another zero to the end.

Your first response will be "that's just crazy!" but stay with me here while you prove to YOURSELF that this is not pie in the sky but a solid achievable goal.

Now you saw the figures above with a business doing $1,500,000 in turnover a year.

And you saw how you might help them make a modest increase of 10% in that turnover.

And that $150,000 increase might amount to a $60,000 to $100,000 increase in net profit.

mind expansion exercise to get higher paying clients

Now get a piece of paper and start playing with numbers.

What if it was a slightly larger business with $3,000,000 turnover?

A business that size you can still talk directly to the business owner and get him to hire you.

What if you created a modest increase of 20% in turnover?

What if you asked the business owner that classic question I love so much...

"What Product Or Service Gives You
Your Highest Net Profit?"

Charge your clients more money

What if you focused heavily on massively increasing the sales of that high net profit product or service?

And the increase in profit was a much higher percentage of the sales 66% to 90%.

Here's an example...

$3,000,000 turnover
Increased by 20% = $600,000
66% to 90% profit = $400,000 to $540,000 increased profit in a year.

In ten minutes of doing this exercise it's suddenly going to dawn on you.

If you focus on working with clients more effectively...putting more effort into each client...

And if you focus on working with clients who have businesses with enough turnover or enough potential increase in turnover...

You Can Be Charging
Ten Times What You Are Now...

Or ten times any fee you thought you could charge.

Fees of $5,000, $10,000, $20,000 or more are very possible and ongoing fees of $1,000 to $5,000 a month are also possible.

In fact your fees could be tiny in comparison to the increase in your client's profits.

Sure you might not increase the profits of a business by $500,000 a year or even by $250,000 a year but if you start making businesses $20,000 to $50,000 extra profit a year you know you can be making a good living supplying a service like that.

And if $20,000 or $50,000 is just too large a figure for you to comprehend break it down into months and weeks.

To make a business an extra $50,000 in turnover in a year is $961 a week or $161 a day (trading 6 days a week).

If they trade 8 hours a day that's only an extra $20 an hour. 

For $20,000 extra profit a year that's only $384 a week, $55 a day or $7 an hour.

There are just so many ways to make a business an extra $55 a day once you get your head around some simple marketing principles.

And here is the most important principle you'll probably ever read about pricing...

The Amount You Can Charge
Is Really Based On What You Believe
You Can Charge

There are people charging $100,000+ for single agreeements with businesses. And their service is worth it.

By changing your belief system and focusing on the value you deliver you can be charging high fees and be worth every cent you charge.

charge more fees think out of the box

You've already seen how your service can be worth huge sums of money to your clients.

So to charge more you just need to be approaching businesses who can afford to pay you more and you have to have enough confidence in yourself to ask for a reasonable price based on the value you're likely to deliver.

Hopefully reading this report has started to shift your beliefs about how much your service is worth and what you can charge.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Cavanagh, CEO
Co founder

P.S. If you have the report "25 Different Ways To Get Paying Clients" you also have the tools to get businesses who can afford to pay you good fees contacting you.

And you can get the ball rolling right now by customizing and sending the emails right there in the report.

Below you may find some resources that are useful to you...

1. "25 Different Ways To Get Paying Clients Package"

Offline Gold Get Paying Clients Now Report 5 years of experience and live testing went into creating the 80 page Offline Gold report "25 Different Ways To Get Paying Clients".

In this report I reveal more strategies than you'll ever need to land paying clients.

And because I know most internet marketers are terrified of using the phone or talking in person I've given you 14 strategies you can start using right now with email or regular mail. Includes a 2 hour audio and more...
Get Paying Clients Now

2. From Offline Store Front To Online Gold Report

From Offline Store Front To Online Gold: Offline Gold Report
This 43 page report reveals a step by step system for turning an offline store front display into a long term online cash stream.

You can charge brick and mortar businesses $500+ to explode their sales from walk past traffic.

Best of all this system works like gangbusters even without a website.  If you can write an email you can use the system revealed in this report...
From Offline Store Front To Online Gold

3. Offline Gold Offers Unleashed Report
FREE Bonus
Offline Gold Offers Unleasehd FREE Bonus Report Presenting a series of strategically designed offers in an online business or a brick and mortar business can create 2-7 times the sales and 2-20 times the profits.

When you purchase the Offers Unleashed package at the link below you'll get the Offline Gold Offers Unleashed report completely FREE.

Discover a whole range of strategies you can use to create powerful offers online and offline:  Offline Gold Offers Unleashed

4. Gold Membership At Gold Membership is the premier resource for internet marketers selling their services to brick and mortar businesses.

Gold membership includes a wealth of reports, video, audio, threads and ongoing guidance from experts in the industry...
13 Reasons To Join

5. Breaking The Belief Barrier
pdf Download

Free lunch referral strategy pdf download
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